Non Surgical Brow Lift in Turkey

Non Surgical Brow Lift

Non-surgical eyebrow lift treatment, which is performed using special threads suitable for tissues, is a non-surgical method. Thanks to small threads placed under the skin, the eyebrows are brought to the desired position. The effects of this procedure, which takes about 30-40 minutes, lasts for 2-5 years and can be repeated if desired.

What is a Non-Surgical Brow Lift?

A non-surgical brow lift is a cosmetic procedure that aims to lift and rejuvenate the eyebrows without the need for surgery. This type of brow lift typically involves the use of non-invasive or minimally invasive techniques to achieve a more lifted and youthful appearance in the brow area. Common non-surgical brow lift methods include:


  1. Dermal Fillers: Injectable fillers such as hyaluronic acid or collagen can be strategically placed to lift and shape the brows.
  2. Botulinum Toxin (Botox): Botox injections can be used to relax the muscles that pull the brows downward, allowing the muscles that lift the brows to dominate.
  3. Thread Lift: This involves placing dissolvable threads under the skin that provide a subtle lift to the eyebrows.
  4. Ultherapy: Uses focused ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production and lift the skin around the brow.
  5. Laser Treatment: Laser treatments can help improve skin elasticity and tighten the brow area.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for Temporal Brow Lift?

  • Individuals whose outer eyebrows sag downward during the aging process may be suitable candidates for temporal brow lift.
  • Lifting the outer eyebrows can correct sagging skin on the upper eyelid, which can be advantageous for those who want to provide a more vibrant eye appearance.
  • Those who are not concerned about age may also be candidates for temporal brow lift.
  • The operation can be preferred for those who want to achieve a specific eyebrow shape.
  • While temporal brow lift is effective in correcting frown lines and forehead wrinkles, it does not solve problems in the entire brow and forehead area.
  • The overall health of the patient can affect candidacy, so full health information is important for accurate assessment of suitability.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for a Non-Surgical Brow Lift?

  • Since it is a non-invasive method, the candidate group is wider compared to surgical methods.
  • This method is suitable for both men and women.
  • Individuals between 30 and 70 years of age are suitable candidates for this treatment.
  • Those with naturally low eyebrows or those who have experienced low eyebrows over time.
  • Those who do not want surgery can consider non-surgical eyebrow lift treatment.

How Is Non-Surgical Brow Lift Performed in Turkey?

Non-surgical brow lift treatment is not a surgical operation and naturally does not involve incisions or stitches. No pain is felt during the procedure by using local anesthesia. This procedure, performed by a specialist doctor in a sterile clinical environment, is completed within 30-40 minutes. The general structure of the face is carefully examined to ensure that the new position of the eyebrows is compatible with the rest of the face.

There are two different approaches to this treatment using specially produced threads. In the first, the threads are passed under the skin through very small holes and the eyebrows are lifted to the correct position. In the second, one end of the thread is fixed into the scalp. The first approach is effective for about 2 years, while the effect of the second approach can last up to 5 years.

There may be mild redness, swelling and pain after the procedure, but these side effects disappear in a short time. Since non-surgical brow lift is not a surgical intervention and general anesthesia is not used, it is a treatment that you can return to your normal life immediately. Changes can be seen immediately after the procedure, but it may be necessary to wait 3 weeks for the expected effects to fully appear.

What are the Advantages of Non-Surgical Brow Lift?

  • It is an operation that does not require surgical intervention and therefore there are no incisions or scars.
  • The healing process is very short and fast.
  • After the operation, the individual can return to daily activities immediately.
  • The intervention is completed in a short period of about 20 minutes.
  • Since the nerves in the eyebrow area are not touched, there is no loss of sensation or complications.

Why Should I Get a Non-Surgical Brow Lift in Turkey?

Opting for a non-surgical brow lift in Turkey provides the advantage of skilled practitioners, state-of-the-art facilities, and cost-effectiveness. The country has become a popular destination for medical tourism, offering a wide range of cosmetic procedures at a fraction of the cost compared to many Western countries. Non-surgical brow lifts, including injectables and innovative techniques, can be performed by experienced professionals in Turkey, combining expertise with affordability. Patients often appreciate the opportunity to enhance their appearance without the downtime associated with surgery, all while enjoying the cultural richness and scenic beauty of Turkey during their recovery. However, thorough research and choosing reputable clinics and practitioners are essential to ensure a safe and successful non-surgical brow lift experience.

Non-Surgical Brow Lift Cost in Turkey

The cost of a non-surgical brow lift in Turkey varies depending on factors such as the specific procedure chosen, the reputation of the clinic, and the expertise of the practitioner. Non-surgical brow lift prices in Turkey are affordable compared to many Western countries. Turkey has a reputation for providing quality medical care at competitive prices, attracting individuals seeking non-surgical improvements. It is crucial for people considering a non-surgical brow lift in Turkey to research reputable clinics, ensure the qualifications of the practitioners, and consider additional expenses such as travel and accommodation when estimating the total cost of the procedure.

You can contact Esteworld to get detailed information about 2023 temporary non-surgical brow lift prices in Turkey. Meet Esteworld’s expert plastic surgeons and achieve the permanent results you want.